Kalamazoo Animal Rescue

Additional Pets

I've Been Adopted!

Meet Clementine (CNL)

Domestic Medium Hair - orange and white Mix

Approx DOB: 5/21/2022
Gender: Female

Playful little girl who loves to be held. She will make a great addition to your family.

This cat or kitten is being fostered with Cat Nap Lodge (CNL) for Kalamazoo Animal Rescue. Cat Nap Lodge is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit cat and kitten rescue located in Richland, MI. We also have additional foster homes in nearby communities. We focus on lost, sick, and injured kittens and cats. Once our cats and kittens are healthy, spayed and neutered, we adopt them out through Kalamazoo Animal Rescue. We welcome visitors at our CNL Community Center by appointment in the evenings and on the weekends.

Please email us at applications@catnaplodgecc.org to request an appointment. Together we save lives!

Cat Nap Lodge Community Center

10418 N 32nd St, Richland, MI 49083

Joni K was her foster parent.

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©1991-2024 Kalamazoo Animal Rescue